What is Resume Drop?
Resume Drop is a quick and easy way for candidates to express interest in an employer by sharing their resume with them.
Recruiters can access the resumes of all candidates that do so, and engage with candidates pre-event.
Candidates can use Resume Drop anytime before or during an in-person or virtual event.
How does it work?
Candidates click the 'Resume Drop' button on the employer booth page
Candidate's resume/profile is automatically shared with the employer
Recruiters log in to view candidate profiles and download resume(s) anytime!
Benefits of Resume Drop
Resume Drop encourages pre-event participation by candidates, offers employers a wider talent pool, and provides you with deeper analytics on employer interest.
Everyone can win with Resume Drop. See how it benefits all event stakeholders!
Event Hosts | Recruiters | Candidates |
Is Resume Drop for me?
If you're wondering whether Resume Drop is a good match for your event, here are some examples of when Event Hosts have used and benefitted from Resume Drop.
Proactive candidate wants to engage with employers before the day of the event?
Employers want to see a wider pool of candidates than those they have meetings scheduled with?
Student has a class conflict at the same time as the event and cannot meet with their employers of interest?
Candidate wants to meet with an employer at your in-person event, but sees the line is too long?
Candidate was unable to get a meeting time with an employer attending virtually?
Resume Drop is a perfect solution for all of these potential scenarios!