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Health Checks on your Fair

It's important to keep tabs on the uptake of your event, here are some things you should be looking out for in the run-up to the big day!

Ibtehaal Manji avatar
Written by Ibtehaal Manji
Updated over 2 years ago

The schedules have been created, the employers invited, and the marketing to candidates has begun. Your fair might be a week or two away, and you're anxious to make sure everything's running as it should... here's what you should be checking!

Get acquainted with the Analytics, Meetings and Reports tabs in your dashboard. These three tabs will be key in helping you conduct your fair health checks.

Employer Activity

Candidate Activity

Meetings and Schedules

Employer Activity

Employers and recruiters are invited to our platform when schedules are created. They must follow their unique invitation link and log in or create their profile in order to access and modify schedules, invite teammates, and view candidate bookings.

Recruiters that haven't joined

Go to your Reports tab. You will see the option to select and export the following sections: Candidates, Employers, Meetings, Recruiters, and Schedules.

As you are checking the recruiter status at your fair, select Recruiters and click the blue Fetch My Report button. A download will start to your device. This may take a few moments depending on the size of your data.

Open the downloaded document on your device and filter the view in the Status column to see recruiters who are still set to Invited.

Invited means that the email with the unique invitation link has been sent to the email address provided.

Joined means that the recruiter received the invitation email, followed the link, and logged in or created their profile via the link.

When inspecting recruiters who are still showing as Invited, double-check that:

  • an email address has been provided

  • the provided email address is correct, and free from typos

When you are certain the email address is correct, click on the link provided in the Link to Profile in MyCFP column in the document and resend their invitations individually.

You can also invite new recruiters for any employers that were missing an email address, by selecting the blue Invite Recruiter option from the Recruiters tab in your dashboard.

Assigned Recruiters who haven't joined

You may want to check in to make sure the Assigned Recruiters have all created their profiles, and send reminders to any that have not. You can do this from the same export document described above. In the document you will see a column called Is Assigned. Filter this column view by Yes. You should now see a list of assigned recruiters and their status on the platform. Remember, if the status says Invited, it means that the recruiter has not yet joined your fair.

You can send them a bulk reminder email by copying and pasting the relevant emails into the bcc field of your email client. Click here for an email template you can use!

Active Employers that haven't created schedules

Ideally, you want employers to have created schedules before the booking window opens to candidates. If there are no schedules set up, candidates can't book meetings with recruiters. You can check to see which employers haven't created schedules by going into the Meetings tab, clicking the blue Manage Meetings and Schedules on the right side of the screen, and then going to the Employers tab.

From there, you can search for employers by name in the search bar.

The "filter list" (shown below) adds three more sorting options.

“Filter List” choices

Candidate Uptake/Activity

Even when all the schedules are correctly configured, and the recruiters have joined, a fair would be nothing without the participation of its candidates. Just as would be the case in an in-person fair, candidates are encouraged to go into the app in advance of the fair to view employers, complete research, and book their meetings.

Candidate Statistics

The Analytics tab on your Fair Dashboard provides a range of different statistics about candidate activity on the app, including how many users have been on the app per day, how many companies they are viewing, how many companies they are favoriting, as well as which companies are receiving more candidate attention than others. As you scroll down, you will also be able to see statistics on bookings made by candidates to meet with employers, which is explained in more detail in the next section.

You can also look at the pipeline of candidate retention by comparing the number of unique users in the app (Analytics tab), with the number of candidates that have made profiles in the app (Candidates export in Reports tab), and then with the number of unique candidates that have actually booked meetings (bottom section on the Analytics tab).

Candidates without Resumes/CVs

Importantly, you may want to check on the number of candidates that haven't uploaded a Resume/CV to their profile. Although having one isn't a requirement for them to book meetings with employers, it is highly recommended.

Go to your Reports tab, select the Candidates section and click the blue Fetch My Report button, a download will start to your device. Open the downloaded document and find the Résumé/CV URL column. If a candidate has uploaded their Résumé/CV they will have a clickable web link to the document in this column. Now filter the column view to show Blanks. This will show you the list of candidates who have not yet uploaded their Resumes/CVs You can copy and paste this list of candidates into your email client and send them a gentle reminder.

Meetings and Schedules

Candidate activity in the lead-up to the fair is of course welcomed but becomes even more important once the booking window for your fair opens. This is when candidates are able to start booking meetings on the employers' schedules.

You can get an overview of this by clicking on the Meetings tab, which will show you the current total number of meetings at the fair, as well as a breakdown of "Meetings By Employer" in the table beneath it. This is especially useful in helping you know where to focus your marketing efforts, as well as in advising your employers on the most efficient strategies.

Full Schedules and Empty Schedules

If a popular employer has filled up all of their meeting time slots on a single schedule, you may consider asking them if they wish to add another recruiter, to give more candidates the opportunity to interact with them. In contrast, if an employer has multiple schedules, but very low fill rates, you might suggest they start with a single recruiter or single schedule.

Typically, we see that about 10% of employers have their schedules at 100% capacity, and 10% have 0% filled time slots, but of course, this depends on the number of available time slots at each employer.

Schedules using External Link for Interaction

If a schedule has been set up with an External Link for interaction, it is best practice to ensure that the recruiter has indeed added the candidate link in full to the Additional Instructions field.

You can check this by downloading the Schedules Report from the Reports tab. Filter the downloaded excel report in the Interaction Type column to view only the schedules using External Link. In the corresponding Additional Instructions column check that there is a fully typed out link that the candidate can click to access the meeting. Please note that you may need to double click in each cell to view the full content of the field.

If you've found some schedules that do not contain a full access link, click on the corresponding cell in the Link to Schedule in MyCFP column, check that the information is indeed missing, then email the assigned recruiter asking them to add the link to their schedule.

Feel free to use the below template to instruct the recruiter.

Please add the candidate facing link to your schedule at your earliest convenience. You can do this when you log in to the platform.

  1. Click on the schedule you want to edit.

  2. Click on the "Schedule Options" button

  3. Click "Edit Schedule" Details

  4. Change the Interaction Type to "External Link". You can also change it back to CFP Video Room at any point.

  5. Add your meeting link (Zoom, Teams, etc.) under the section titled "Additional Instructions". Ensure that the link is fully typed out.

  6. Be sure to scroll down and hit 'SAVE' once you are finished with changes

Booking Window

You may choose to keep the booking window open during the event to boost meeting numbers, this may result in a 15-20% bump in appointments. If you do choose to close it before the event starts, just remember that candidates cannot book meetings once the booking window closes. Bear this in mind as you make decisions about candidate marketing, and don't forget you can use the push notifications feature to remind candidates about when the booking window closes.

If you're interested, the Analytics tab will also show you how many meetings have been booked by day, so you can see which of your marketing strategies are having the greatest impact.

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