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Hosting a helpdesk

Prepare for your event by setting up a candidate-facing helpdesk with in-built video support on your event page

Adriana avatar
Written by Adriana
Updated over a week ago

As per our Virtual Fair Best Practices, we recommend that you host a 'Career Center Help Desk' during your virtual fair. Our new helpdesk feature was released in August 2021 to help event hosts keep the lines open for their candidates/students during the event.

Why might you want to host a Helpdesk at your event?

There are several reasons why we think this is a good idea:

  • Candidates can drop in to ask your team quick career-related questions

  • Candidates can get advice on resumes, interviews, or virtual fair etiquette

  • Candidates can seek help with technical issues or inform you if they or a recruiter missed a meeting

Setting up is easy!

From your admin dashboard navigate to Meetings. (Please note you will need to enable Meetings for your fair if they are not yet enabled)

Then click on the Manage Meetings & Schedules button. Select the Help Desk tab to get started.

  • Give your help desk a Name (eg. Help Desk/ Careers Center Staff/etc).

  • Input the Hours of Operation (include your timezone if necessary).

  • Specify the Video Service you will be using. (If you are using an external video service, make sure to paste your candidate-facing video link.)

We also recommend that you utilize the optional fields. Add the purpose of your help desk into the Description field (eg. Resume/CV help). Add the Alternate Contact Email so that candidates can reach a designated person in case they have trouble accessing the help desk video room.

Activating your Help Desk

Once you or your colleagues are in the help desk video room and are ready to speak to candidates/students, you can activate the help desk. Doing this, immediately makes it visible to candidates/students.

  • Join your Help Desk

    If you are using our default video platform, click the blue Join Help Desk As Host button. If you are using an external video service, access your video room directly from that service.

  • Activate your Help Desk

    Use the Activate Candidate Help Desk toggle to make the Help Desk visible to your candidates/students.

Candidates/students will now see the Help Desk at the bottom right of the screen when they are navigating your event (example below).

Here's a video that will demonstrate the set up, activation and how the Help Desk looks on the candidates/students side.

If you would like to share the host link to your Help Desk with colleagues who don't necessarily need access to the entire platform you can copy the link and send it to them, just click the Copy to Clipboard icon.

You can learn more about the controls in our default video service, click here and scroll down to Feature Details.

If you would like to consult the team on any questions or other possible options, reach out to us on and we'll be happy to help!

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