Recruiter Invite Email

Event hosts should check out this article for an example of the email recruiters receive and some related FAQs.

Adriana avatar
Written by Adriana
Updated over a week ago

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About the Email

If your event uses Meetings, Resume/CV Drop, and/or Booth Check-in, recruiters must be invited to the event to access these features. If you're curious about this workflow, please find our article on the topic here. The primary recruiters will receive a standard email from our support address ( The email they receive looks slightly different depending on whether they have an existing account on the platform or not. You can see examples of these emails below:

New Recruiter Email

Active Recruiter Email

More Information

The slight difference between the two types lies in two places:

  1. In the greeting, the email to an active recruiter will include their name.

  2. In the third paragraph before the bullets, the instructions differ from "create" to "login".

The majority of the email is standardized for all events, but the section in bullet points will differ based on what features are enabled for the event:

  • Invite team members

    • This bullet is always included, regardless of which features are included in the event.

  • Create schedules for candidates to reserve 1-on-1 time with your recruiters or join open group sessions.

    • This bullet point will show up if you have meetings enabled.

    • This message can be edited via the "Meeting Configuration Options" tab under "Manage Meetings & Schedules".

  • Use Resume Drop to connect and engage with candidates interested in your company before, during, and after the event.

    • This bullet point will show up if you have Resume Drop enabled.

    • This message can be edited by clicking on "Configuration Options" under the "Resume Drop" tab.

  • Use Booth Check-in to build a digital record of candidates who interacted with you during the event.

    • This bullet point will show up if you have Booth Check-in enabled.

    • This message can be edited by clicking on "Configuration Options" under the "Booth Check-in" tab.


  1. Can I customize the email?

    1. You can customize the bulleted section to whatever text you would like. See the section above for further details. However, the rest of the email is standardized across all events.

  2. Do recruiters receive reminder emails to join the platform?

    1. They do not, we don't want to spam them! We recommend using our guide on Event Health Checks to find email templates that serve as reminders for recruiters.

  3. What does the email link to?

    1. It links to our Employer Web Portal Guide.

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